
Code geass knights of the round
Code geass knights of the round

code geass knights of the round code geass knights of the round

Asshole Victim: While the Decepticons about to engage war on humanity is bad, the only good thing is that their first target is Britannia.And at the end of R1, the Deceptions straight up destroy the empire in an especially brutal and thorough way, with Pendragon being destroyed, Britannia's leadership being killed, imprisoned, and enslaved, and its armed forces being horribly slaughtered. The Autobots are doing considerably more damage to Britannia's forces and image than anything Lelouch could accomplish as Zero in canon. Adaptational Karma: A rare societal version of this trope is applied to Britannia.They end up coming to blows over this in Chapter 34, and the result is decisively not in Britannia's favor. Additionally, just about all of the Britannians distrust the Decepticons, which said aliens reciprocate, mostly due to Fantastic Racism.Last but not least, the Emperor and his inner circle are working on something known as the Ragnarök Connection.The Knights of the Round serve the Emperor out of Blind Obedience.Euphie deciding to create the SAZ drives a massive wedge into her relationship with the rest of the Britannian forces in Area 11.

code geass knights of the round

Suzaku and Euphemia want to try and make things better for the "Elevens".Lloyd just wants to improve the Lancelot.The Purebloods (well, what's left of them) want to modify the current system such that only Britannians can obtain positions of privilege.Additionally, Cornelia wants to find Lelouch and Nunnally if they are still alive, and in Divided They Fall reveals that if she knew Lelouch were with the Autobots, she would defect to aid him, and take Guilford and Darlton with her. Cornelia, Guilford, and Darlton want to bring Area 11 to heel, preferably with minimal casualties both for their side and their civilians - "Elevens" are expendable.While by and large, they're able to put these issues aside to work together, it also means that they're unlikely to realize this is an issue until it's far too late. Achilles' Heel: Downplayed when compared to the Decepticons, but the greatest issue Britannia faces is a lack of unity, as the only thing all of them want is to defeat the Black Knights and Autobots.

Code geass knights of the round